Its ain't a new thing when a blogger think of changing his/her domain name even after having been using the domain name for a long time. Although some bloggers and webmasters have manage to stuck to their domain name for years without thinking of changing it, or maybe they thought of changing it but just decides to dump the idea of doing so. I guess by now, you might wonder that why would a blogger ever thought of changing his/her domain name ? Well, am going to list the reasons below on this post and additionally, why you should also do so too . Incase you're not familiar with what it is, a DOMAIN NAME is simply the URL that a site can be accessed with, taking for instance, this site you are currently viewing can be accessed with its DOMAIN NAME via . Having now knew about what a domain name is, lets discuss about the reason as to why you might want to change your domain name. 5 Reasons Why You Should Change Your Domain Name Now! Na...
How To Password Protect WordPress Site Contents Without Using Plugin
(Posts and Pages)
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WordPress is a powerful and popular content management system that allows users to build amazing websites and manage their website contents efficiently. In this article, you would get to discover – How to Password Protect your WordPress Posts and Pages Without Using any Plugin.
Password Protect WordPress site ( Posts and Pages )
WordPress by default, assigned public visibility to every new published post or page. This implies, your website contents can be viewed by anyone that visits your website through the posts or pages permalink.
However, if you would like to add some level of restriction to a post or page contents on WordPress (such as making it visible to only admins, or a particular group of people), you can easily do that from yoour WordPress content dashboard.
On this article, we would be taking a look at one of the features that allows you to restrict your WordPress site content without using any Plugins.
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Why Should You Password Protect WordPress site Content ?(Posts and Pages)
Although the essence of building a website is usually for the purpose of sharing with the public. But what if there are some content that you, as the Website owner only want to show to some specific groups?
For instance, taking the case of a blog with multiple authors, the administrator of the website might want to restrict some high-level content to be visible to only the site Editors and Contributors. Examples of such contents could be on; how to write an article , how to send an article for review, how to manage the contents of the website, and e.t.c
Another instances could be, taking the case of an NGO Organization, the Administrator of the website might want to restrict some content to only members of the Organization which consist of reports, insights and other important information.
N.B : The above cases are merely examples, the purpose for which this feature will be used for will be largely determined by the website managers and/or owners.
Who can Password Protect WordPress Site Content (Posts and Pages) ?
There are different levels of user roles available in the WordPress Dashboard that has the ability to creates, make edits, and manage content. As of the time of publishing this article, the Users role currently available are;
Except for the Subscribers user role, every other user roles in WordPress Dashboard have the ability to create a new post contents although the Contributoruser role would have to wait for review before their posts can be published.
The ability to password protect wordpress website content (posts and pages) is currently available to only for the below user roles;
How To Password Protect WordPress Site Content (Posts and Pages) Without Using a Plugin
Having learned about why and who can password protect a wordpress site content, now let’s dive into how you can password protect your WordPress Posts and Pages Content on your website
Password Protect WordPress Post Contents Without Using Plugin
Step 1: Log in to your WordPress Dashboard
Step 2:Navigate to the Posts Section (which can be found at the right corner of your dashboard screen)
Step 3: Click on Add New (if you would like to restrict a new content) or Click on Edit for an existing article (if you would like to restrict an existing article)
Step 4: Compose your Article and when you’re done, click on the Settings button (as shown in the screenshot below)
Step 5: Click on the Posts Tab and Navigate to Visibility
Step 6: Select Public (which is the default Visibility) and Choose Password Protected
Step 7: Enter in the box provided, the password you’d like to choose (this will be the password that will be required to access your content)
Step 8: Hit the Publish button (for a new post) or Update (for existing post) and you’re done!
Password Protect WordPress Posts Content Without Using Plugin
Step 1: Log in to your WordPress Dashboard
Step 2: Navigate to the Pages Section (which can be found at the right corner of your dashboard screen)
Step 3: Click on Add New (if you would like to restrict a new page contents) or Click on Edit for an existing article (if you would like to restrict an existing page contents)
Step 4 : Compose your Page contents and when you’re done, click on the Settings button (you’d find an icon settings at the top right corner)
Step 5: Click on the Page Tab and Navigate to Visibility
Step 6: Select Public (which is the default Visibility) and Choose Password Protected
Step 7: Enter in the box provided the password you’d like to choose (this will be the password user will be required to access your page content)
Step 8: Hit the Publish button (for new page) or Update (for existing post) and you’re done!
Restricting your wordpress site content (post or page content) from the public can be used in many ways which has been mentioned earlier on this article. If used well, it will save you and your team a lot of repetitive work and make your website more interactive.
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