Its ain't a new thing when a blogger think of changing his/her domain name even after having been using the domain name for a long time. Although some bloggers and webmasters have manage to stuck to their domain name for years without thinking of changing it, or maybe they thought of changing it but just decides to dump the idea of doing so. I guess by now, you might wonder that why would a blogger ever thought of changing his/her domain name ? Well, am going to list the reasons below on this post and additionally, why you should also do so too . Incase you're not familiar with what it is, a DOMAIN NAME is simply the URL that a site can be accessed with, taking for instance, this site you are currently viewing can be accessed with its DOMAIN NAME via . Having now knew about what a domain name is, lets discuss about the reason as to why you might want to change your domain name. 5 Reasons Why You Should Change Your Domain Name Now! Na...
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Navigation Menus are great for every single website (irregardless of whether it is powered by WordPress or not) that exists on the Internet. They are like some sort of guide which give your visitors the ability to quickly discover the right places they need to go or be on your website. On this article; you’ll get to discover 7 beautiful and awesome ways by which you can add menus in wordpress website or blog.
WordPress Navigation Menu as earlier mentioned plays a major role in a website – any sorts of website. This is why it is one of the major prerequisite by Google Adsense before they accept website publishers into their program. Apart from being requested by Google Adsense, having a Navigation Menu on your website is a top priotity as this make it easier for your website visitor to easily find what they are looking for.
How To Quickly Add Menus in WordPress
Depending on the theme you are using on your website, it is possible for you to add up to 2 or more menus on your website. For instance; as at the time of writing this article, we are currently using just 2 MENUS for NetSocialBlog which are the Top Header Menu and Main Menu section.
Here’s how you can add Menu to your WordPress powered website too (Video).
If you do not want to watch the video above, here’s the text guide on how to do it.
Login to your WordPress Dashboard
From the options at the left column, Navigate to Appearance >> Menus
Click on “Create a new Menu” to setup a new Navigation menus for your website
Give the new Menu a “Name” and click Create
After done in the creation of Menu name, you can now begin to assign what you would like to show in your Menu.
For better illustrations, i recommend you watch the video posted above ☝️.
5 Differents Awesome Ways To Add Menus In WordPress
Whether you are just new starting out on WordPress, or you have been using WordPress for a while, you can make your Navigation Menu to look a bit different rather than the generic MENUS everyone is already used to. Some of these options are adding dropdowns, menu icons, post categories, pages and etcetera.
If you have an interesting article on your website you would like to get in front of your site visitors, the best way is to put it in the Navigation MENU of your website. To add a post to your Menu, all you have to do is;
Goto Appearance >> Menus
Click on your Exisitng Menu (or Create new menu) – as mentioned earlier
Now choose from the Post You Would Like to Add to your Menu
You can either select Most Recent, View All, or Search [Screenshot 2]
Add to your Menu List and Click on Save Menu [ Screenshot 3]
REMEMBER to select where you want the Menus to Appear as shown 👉 [Screenshot 4]
(#2) – How To Add MENUs in WordPress For Post Categories
These type of MENU are the most popular ones usually seen on Blogs and different websites. They make it easier for visitors to easily find the categories of your wordpress website on the header section of your blog. You can view that of NetSocialBlog categories Menu here [Screenshot 5].
Here’s how to add Categories MENU to WordPress Menu 👇
Goto Appearance >> Menu
From the cloumn where Screenshot 1 (mentioned earlier) was selected, select Categories instead.
Choose the Categories you would like to have displayed [Screenshot 6]
Click on Where you would like to Show Your MENU Categories [Check Screenshot 4]
Now Add to your Menu List and Click on Save Menu as mentioned in Sceeenshot 3
(#3) How To Add Menus In WordPress For Pages
Pages are simply static pages from which you can use to display important contents such as About Us, Contact Us, Disclaimer, Privacy Policy and etcetera.
To add Pages Menu Items to WordPress, all you have to do is follow the same Method Mentioned in #1 and #2. However when selectinf options from the left column, choose Pages Instead [See Screenshot 7].
(#4) How To Create Drop Down List Menu In WordPress
Dropdowns can be used to explain a sub-category of a Parent Categories. They are pretty cool and make the website Navigation Menu much more neater and lesser clutterred. See VIDEO Below on how to add drop down list menu to wordpress
(#5) How To Create Custom Links Menu In WordPress
Custom Links Menu are menus that refers to links outside of your website or blog. It could be a link to another website of similar interest, your social media page, Youtube link or whatever resources out there on the internet that has a URL.
To add Custom Links to your Website, Goto Appearance >> Menus.
Now select Custom Links as shown in the [Screenshot 8]
From this [Screenshot 9], Enter the link you’d like to point to as well as the name
Now Add to your Menu List and Click on Save Menu as mentioned in Sceeenshot 3
BOTTOM LINE: And thats how to add menus in wordpress using 5 different methods in order to make your website much more easier for visitors to navigate all around.
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