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Its ain't a new thing when a blogger think of changing his/her domain name even after having been using the domain name for a long time. Although some bloggers and webmasters have manage to stuck to their domain name for years without thinking of changing it, or maybe they thought of changing it but just decides to dump the idea of doing so.   I guess by now, you might wonder that why would a blogger ever thought of changing his/her domain name ? Well, am going to list the reasons below on this post and additionally, why you should also do so too .   Incase you're not familiar with what it is, a DOMAIN NAME is simply the URL that a site can be accessed with, taking for instance, this site you are currently viewing can be accessed with its DOMAIN NAME via . Having now knew about what a domain name is, lets discuss about the reason as to why you might want to change your domain name. 5 Reasons Why You Should Change Your Domain Name Now! Na...

How To Use Zoom Video Conferencing Software App (On All Devices)

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Zoom is a video conferencing software developed by Zoom Video Communications, Inc a company which has its headquarters in San Jose, California.  In this article, you’re going to learn a bit more about what Zoom is, how to use zoom on computer and using zoom app on mobile devices.

how to use zoom

Zoom video conferencing app had its beta version launched in September 2012 and that time could only host with up to 15 video participants. In January 2013, version 1.0 of the program was released which has the total of its users to 400,000 before rising to 1 million by May 2013 (Wikipedia).

By February 2020, Zoom had gained 2.22 million users in 2020 — which is more users than it amassed in the entirety of 2019.

It was also reported that on one day in March 2020 during the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown, the Zoom app was downloaded 2.13 million times!

This article is about how to use the Zoom Video conferencing software app. Before getting started, Zoom can only be used for two purposes which are explained below;

  1. JOIN a Meeting : This feature allow you to quickly join a meeting which is hosted by perhaps your employer using Zoom, a teacher, or for a webinar. If you are joining a meeting, you do not need any special details except the Meeting ID or Personal Name which will be provided to you by the person/organization hosting the webinar
  2. HOST A MEETING: Zoom can also be used to Host a meeting which is if you would like to deliver a webinar or presentation online. If you are hosting a meeting, there are also several options that which you can choose from, you can either decide to Host a Meeting With VideoOFF, VideoON or with just ScreenShare ONLY.

When using Zoom with the VideoOFF feature, this simply means you would be having a webmeeting with no video while the VideoON feature allows you to see the participants just as Whatsapp Video Call.

And last but not the least; the ScreenShare ONLY Zoom feature give the host of a meeting to share their screen (whether phone or PC) with members of the meeting


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How To Use Zoom Video Conference Software App

Whether you want to use Zoom for Conference Meetings, to deliver a lecture online, or to join a meeting, it is much more easier than you can imagine. However the first thing you’ll need to decide is what exactly do you want to do with Zoom Video Conference App?

Do you want to Join a Meeting, OR you’d like to Host a Meeting?

After then, if you are hosting a meeting, is it going to be with VideoON, or VideoOFF or just ScreenSharing?

Once you’ve made the decision, you can now start using Zoom, by simply visiting their official website at


Is Zoom Free To Use or is it Paid?

Zoom is a free video conferencing software app which means you can absolutely use it for FREE. However there are some other advanced features which come as a paid feature on the Zoom Software.

Zoom Plans and Pricings ranges from the Basic Plan which is best for Personal Meeting, the Pro Plan which is great for small teams, the Business Plan which is okay for small and medium business, and the Enterprise Plan which is okay for Large Enterprise.

You can check Zoom Plans and Pricings here to find out all the FEATURES that Zoom has to offer.

How To Use Zoom Video Conference Software on Computer

You can use Zoom on your computer either by installing it as an Addon to your web browser or downloading the Zoom client and install it on your computer.

    Using Zoom as an Addon on your web browser

You can install Zoom Add-on to your Google chrome or Firefox browser hence allowing you to start a video conference meeting with just a single click from your browser. To download Zoom browser extension, click here.

Using Zoom Video Conference Software on your PC

If you do not wish to use Zoom as an Addon on your Computer, you can also use it as a software on your computer simply by installing the Zoom client on your PC. You can download Zoom Meeting client here


How To Use Zoom Video Conferencing App on Mobile

If you would like to use Zoom video conference app on your mobile devices, you can also get the Zoom App for Android, iPhone or iPad


Using Zoom Video Conference App on Android

To start using Zoom on your Android phone, you can visit the Android Download Page on Zoom website 

Read also : 5 Best Video Editor To Edit Like a Pro on Your Android Phone


How Use Zoom Video Conferencing App on iPhone/iPad

iPhone and iPad users can also download Zoom app from App store by simply clicking here


Now over to you.

Have you been using Zoom recently? Tell us what you like about the app

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