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5 Reasons Why You Should Change Your Domain Name Now!

Its ain't a new thing when a blogger think of changing his/her domain name even after having been using the domain name for a long time. Although some bloggers and webmasters have manage to stuck to their domain name for years without thinking of changing it, or maybe they thought of changing it but just decides to dump the idea of doing so.   I guess by now, you might wonder that why would a blogger ever thought of changing his/her domain name ? Well, am going to list the reasons below on this post and additionally, why you should also do so too .   Incase you're not familiar with what it is, a DOMAIN NAME is simply the URL that a site can be accessed with, taking for instance, this site you are currently viewing can be accessed with its DOMAIN NAME via . Having now knew about what a domain name is, lets discuss about the reason as to why you might want to change your domain name. 5 Reasons Why You Should Change Your Domain Name Now! Na...

Hrank: Free Tool to Check a Hosting Provider Uptime History

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Ever wanted to purchase a web hosting but feels reluctant because you are unsure of the hosting provider uptime history?

Worry not anymore as on this article; you will be able to discover a hosting provider lookup tool that can help you achieve that 🙂

Nowadays there are lot of web hosting companies out there that promises guaranteed Uptime. It’s quite disheartening that not all can provide even up to 89% Uptime and there’s no way to know unless one can give it a try and see how it works.

However there’s an awesome online tool called Hrank that allows you to check which web hosting is better.


What is Hrank – A Hosting Provider Uptime Tool?

Hrank is an online tool that gives hosting advice based on metrics, reviews and other factors. The tool allows you to check shared hosting provider uptime history.


Hrank is unlike the generic hosting review tools/companies as they do not offer software to monitor your personal website. However their rating system calculates and estimates a hosting provider uptime history of company on basis of several factors. These factors which are used to give hosting advice inlcudes but not limited to;

  • uptime,
  • response time
  • price
  • hosting company’s age
  • history and experience.
  • overall appearance of a website, its usability
  • the level of support.

To Know more about what Hrank is all about; click here




What Else Can I Do With Hrank?

If you are planning to run the Self-Hosted WordPress on a low budget; you can also use Hrank to check some of the hosting provider that fits your wallet.

You can easily search for hosting within your means using the Search and Filtered tools on the Choose Hosting Page to select an hosting based on their bandwith, storage and performance.

Also you can find the list of free or cheap web hosting provider on the Hrank Filter search tool.


Bottom Line: Whether you are looking for a new web hosting provider; or you wanted to find out an hosting provider uptime history; Hrank is an awesome web hosting services to checkout.

You can visit to get started

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