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5 Reasons Why You Should Change Your Domain Name Now!

Its ain't a new thing when a blogger think of changing his/her domain name even after having been using the domain name for a long time. Although some bloggers and webmasters have manage to stuck to their domain name for years without thinking of changing it, or maybe they thought of changing it but just decides to dump the idea of doing so.   I guess by now, you might wonder that why would a blogger ever thought of changing his/her domain name ? Well, am going to list the reasons below on this post and additionally, why you should also do so too .   Incase you're not familiar with what it is, a DOMAIN NAME is simply the URL that a site can be accessed with, taking for instance, this site you are currently viewing can be accessed with its DOMAIN NAME via . Having now knew about what a domain name is, lets discuss about the reason as to why you might want to change your domain name. 5 Reasons Why You Should Change Your Domain Name Now! Na...

Bluehost Review: 7 Reasons To Use Them For Your WordPress Site

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When it comes to setting up a website on WordPress, if you tried digging some research online as to which hosting provider you should use, you’ll discover most blogs recommend Bluehost. However if you’re like me who do not follow conventional rules, you won’t be distracted with the noise but with what exactly they’ve got to offer.
       I mean like, you would want to use their products not because of the awareness but base on why most blogs and websites recommend it. On this post, I would be sharing based on experience on why you should use Bluehost for your next WordPress website.


Do i need bluehost with WordPress?

     You might wonder do i really need to go for bluehost with WordPress. Oh, yes! As at the time of writing this article, I've had a pretty good time with them and no trouble yet. Also, their customer support had been quite helpful.
    If you're just hearing about bluehost for the first time, you might want to read the next paragraph. But if you've already heard of them before, simply skip the next paragraph and proceed to the "why you should use them"

Disclosure: We receives commission when you purchase hosting from Bluehost via our link. However we are independently owned and the opinions expressed here are our own.

What Does Bluehost Do?

When you store music, pictures or videos, you use either an SD card or internal storage for mobile phone. However in terms of website; when you build a website, you rent space on servers through a web hosting company.
    In one word; a web hosting company like Bluehost gives you the opportunity to build website and make it accessible for anyone, anywhere in the whole world.

Why Should I Use Bluehost For WordPress [Bluehost Review 2017]

1. Meant for WordPress
Perhaps the first and major reason why you should use Bluehost is that; the hosting Company focus majorly on WordPress sites. Though all hosting provider company allow any web software packages like Joomla, WordPress, Mantis, Drupal, Magento, etc to be installed on their server. And while Bluehost also supports those mentioned web packages (like 73 script installers), they target mainly WordPress users.
     This is why they provide wide range number of tools and services to grow a WordPress site quickly which you can access from your dashboard.

2. Uptime History
  Nothing frustrates a website owner more than to find out his website experiences several downtime. This is why some bloggers took solace with the Google blogger platform as there are 99.9% assurance of 24/7 Uptime.
    However if you want the type of hosting Company that’d give you the confidence to snore in your sleep by ensuring your WordPress site is always online, then go for Bluehost.

Want to Migrate From Blogger To WordPress?

3. Support
 Behind every successful Domain and Web hosting Company is a flexible, good and reliable Support system. A Web Hosting/Domain Company support system is one of the factor I usually consider when am about to purchase a product from them.
     The reason why this is so is; I once tried a web hosting company in the past and when i needed support, it’s either I call their support on phone [which cost me a lot of airtime as it's an international company] or I reach them through email in which their response is usually slow too.
     In terms of support, Bluehost offers technical Live chat which means; you get answers before you blink your eye thrice.

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4. WordPress Marketplace
Bluehost on your first time installation would ask you if you’re planning to use your WordPress site for Personal or Business purposes. This is to help in tailoring out the right tools for you.
   The web hosting company have a marketplace from your dashboard which consist of WordPress tools and services  to grow your site.

5. Affordable 
     One of the many reasons people fear about Self-hosted WordPress platform apart from Uptime [as mentioned in Number 2] is the heavy cost involved in maintaining it. However Bluehost hosting comes in 3 different packages which are; Basic, Plus, and Prime.

With their hosting pricing plan, you don’t need to break the bank before having your own self-hosted WordPress site. As a matter of fact, as at the time of writing this article, you’d get close to 50% discount on any of their hosting plan when you sign up here!

Miss: Blogger vs Self-Hosted WordPress [Misconceptions Solved] 

6. Clean Interface
    The dashboard provided by Bluehost has a blue and white clean interface with easier navigation buttons for you to walk around without getting lost. Their c panel also have the right tools which includes the Backup Wizard, Compressor, Extractor, and etc. for both web developer and site owner to manage their website.

7.  Additional Features

      There are also some hidden benefits which Bluehost got in stock in which you’ll get to later discover in time. One of them is the $200 marketing offers and Faster Search Engine optimization when you sign up for the Prime Plan.

Currently now, Bluehost is giving out close to 50% discount and higher when you sign up here. Offer might expire soon!
  You can also contact us to help you setup your WordPress site

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