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5 Reasons Why You Should Change Your Domain Name Now!

Its ain't a new thing when a blogger think of changing his/her domain name even after having been using the domain name for a long time. Although some bloggers and webmasters have manage to stuck to their domain name for years without thinking of changing it, or maybe they thought of changing it but just decides to dump the idea of doing so.   I guess by now, you might wonder that why would a blogger ever thought of changing his/her domain name ? Well, am going to list the reasons below on this post and additionally, why you should also do so too .   Incase you're not familiar with what it is, a DOMAIN NAME is simply the URL that a site can be accessed with, taking for instance, this site you are currently viewing can be accessed with its DOMAIN NAME via . Having now knew about what a domain name is, lets discuss about the reason as to why you might want to change your domain name. 5 Reasons Why You Should Change Your Domain Name Now! Na...

Attention! Blogger Blogs Using Custom Not Opening + Permanent Solution

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If your blog is on the Blogger platform and using Custom Domain, then you really need to read this post till the end as all Blogger Blogs Using Custom Domain are currently not Opening.
     But you need not to worry again, as you'll get to learn what really happen and the permanent solution to this mysterious development from this post

When Did Blogger Blogs On Custom Domain Stopped Working?

On October 1st, 2017; Jide Ogunsanya first shared Blogger Blogs Using Custom Domain Not Opening on Ogbongeplanet in which he mentioned about how he's experiencing request timed out whenever he tried to access any blogger blogs.
     Although am not sure if the issue began on that day but i presume it must have been either the end of the month of September, or October 1st.

Does That Mean All My Readers Won't Be Able To View My Blog?

No, that's not quite true.
    After a while, it was discovered that the issue is only happening to audience in Nigeria (not sure of others outside the country), using PC and globacom service provider, seems Spectranet network provider is involved too.
   Hence, this mean readers using the glo network , Spectranet and/or any other network provider affected won't be able to view your blog on PC

What's The Solution To This Issue? 

During the time of the incidence, i tried to contact Blogger Support Forum likewise the Globacom network provider to bring their awareness to this issue and find a lasting solution to it but it all proved negative.
     Fortunately, the team at Ogbongeplanet came up and device means of a temporary solution. Check it at Blogger Blogs Not Opening On Custom Domain? Temporary Solution

Is there any Permanent Solution, Instead of A Temporary One?

Of course, yes!
  I presume the reason why the issue came up is because of some security purposes but still yet, it is still not totally cool.
    There are two major permanent solutions to it right now which is either to "switch over to https" or move over from blogger to wp

Update: The issue had now been resolved and is working perfectly with or without https as of 31/10/2017

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