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5 Reasons Why You Should Change Your Domain Name Now!

Its ain't a new thing when a blogger think of changing his/her domain name even after having been using the domain name for a long time. Although some bloggers and webmasters have manage to stuck to their domain name for years without thinking of changing it, or maybe they thought of changing it but just decides to dump the idea of doing so.   I guess by now, you might wonder that why would a blogger ever thought of changing his/her domain name ? Well, am going to list the reasons below on this post and additionally, why you should also do so too .   Incase you're not familiar with what it is, a DOMAIN NAME is simply the URL that a site can be accessed with, taking for instance, this site you are currently viewing can be accessed with its DOMAIN NAME via . Having now knew about what a domain name is, lets discuss about the reason as to why you might want to change your domain name. 5 Reasons Why You Should Change Your Domain Name Now! Na...

#BloggingWithTuham 101-501: How To Start A Blog, Increase Traffic & Other Blogging Courses

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Ever wanted to have a blog of your own on the cyberspace but don’t know where to get started, or perhaps you know where but do not know how to get started? Blogging 101-501 is an online training from the admin of NetSocialBlog meant for both enthusiast and bloggers on how to start a blog, increasing traffic, seo, monetization and design!

Who is Tunde Sanusi (Tuham)?

Tunde Sanusi who goes with the nick “Tuham” on the web is a twenty something year old guy who harness the power of blogging to teach people something new or solves problem. Before coming across blogging, he was just a normal fellow who would jots down rare information/stories on a paper and share it with friends or "whoever cares to know" then.
  After tasting 3 different web platform, he finally found blogging to be the most convenient way of sharing one's voice faster and easier.
  Through blogging, he had been able to work with reputable individuals and brands, earned an award and been featured on top online platform.
    Read more about him here | Services | Products |

What is Blogging 101 all about?

To get started, i would begin with 101 before moving to the others. Blogging 101 is meant to walk anyone who is interested in sharing their voice online on how to start and manage their own blog using the Google blogger platform.
Some of the benefits of blogging in this century includes but not limited to;

  • Sharpening your communication skills, 
  • Meeting like-minded people, 
  • Bringing awareness to yourself, 
  • Reaching wider audience to promote your products, 
  • More exposure to your skills,
  • And to cap it all, if you do things the right way, blogging can serve as source of income online for you.

Without futher ado, Below is what Blogging 101 entails which you would be able to do by yourself after the end of the session.
  • Creating your own blog
  • Walking you through blog’s settings (first and VIP aspect)
  • Adding and Editing Your Widgets to Improve Functionalities
  • Introducing recommended Widgets
  • Creating Posts and Familiarizing with the Post Editor
  • Creating Pages and Connecting it to your Blog
  • Designing your blog with colors, fonts, and styles
  • Knowing more about other features on your blog dashboard
  • Blog Social Media Pages Creation
  • Installing the profiles on your blog
  • Auto posting to your social channels
  • And MORE!!

Why Using Google Blogger Platform for Blogging?

1. Security & Maintenance => Starting a blog on the Blogger platform is recommended for those who wanted to blog with ease and also not having to worry about high cost of maintenances and security.

2. Custom Domain => The only thing you get to pay for on this blogging platform is a custom domain name; something like which cost a few dollars to make your blog looks professional!
However if you deem not ready to get a custom domain, you can continue using your blog on the blogger subdomain for free which looks like ( and get a custom domain later.

3. Design => In terms of design, you also get to choose and customize for free from 50+ Google awesome templates from your dashboard and/or you could easily source out for unlimited third party awesome blogger templates!

4. Free! Free!! Free!!! => No matter how long your posts are, how huge your audience are, your images and contents, the Blogger platform is ready to bear the burden all for Free!

5. Reliability - Have you ever heard some business came up and shuts down for unknown or gullible reasons and having to take customers' trust down with them? The case is not so on this platform as this blogging platform is owned by the biggest search engine in the world, G-o-o-g-l-e! We all know Google, right?

5. Other Features => And other cool features!

    NOTE: You do not have to worry about where you stay as it’s going to happen on the internet so people can get access to the training wherever they are in the world.

HOWEVER    IF YOU ALREADY HAD A BLOG, you can choose from the other courses below instead and we'd talk about both time and fee.

Other Blogging Courses You can Learn Apart From 101

If you have a blog already, you can contact the admin for the below courses 

Blogging 201 – Increasing Your Blog's Traffic
Blogging 301 – Search Engine Optimization
Blogging 401 – Monetization (how to monetize your blog)
Blogging 501 – Blog Design (designing a blogger blog from the beginner to expert level)

How To Make Payment

You can choose to Pay Online (convenience fee applicable),  or Bank Transfer. Simply send a mail to tuhamworld(at) with the Subject “Blogging (course code) Training Registration” and I’ll reply ASAP.
    Alternatively you can use other contact options here

Want to Make Enquiry/Suggestion?
Send a mail with the subject “Blogging (course code) Suggestion/Enquiry” and include the body more details about your request to the address above or You can also leave a comment here

To your success
Tunde Sanusi (Tuham)
Admin and Chief Editor of

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