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10 Things To Note Before You Apply For Twitter Verification

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Recently twitter introduces the verification service which allows twitter users to apply using the twitter verification form. If you don't know what a verified twitter account means, am going to explain briefly then after which i will list out the requirement you must have before applying for it.
When browsing some twitter profiles, do you remember a tiny bold blue badge like a "mark" which is usually situated near top celebrities twitter account?
That mark means a Verified Twitter Account! For further details about this development, you should go read Bola Adekile's Post on Geek.NG about Twitter Verification Service Open To All Users
I once remember a long time ago when a buddy of mine and i, would be discussing about the blue mark beside celebrities accounts. That time, we do often wonder how they get it.
I mean questions like; did twitter JUST gave it to them or they applied for it? And finally here now, the answers have been provided!
Twitter Amazing History and Its Founders
However if you're planning to get your account verified on twitter, there are some things which you must took notice of before submitting request for the twitter verification service. I have made some research and below are the important things to be aware of before filling the twitter verification form.

10 Recommended Things Before Applying For Twitter Verification Service

  1. Your Bio - By reading your bio, people should be able to have the slightest idea of whom you are and what you do. Try to restructure your bio now if its not precise and concise.
  2. A Profile Photo - If you're not using your 'real image' as your profile photo on twitter, it is highly recommended you do now before applying.
  3. Are you Following NetSocialBlog on Twitter?| What about me too via @tuhamworld
  4. A header photo - This goes on beyond uploading *just any cute picture*. The header photo ought to include your real image.
  5. A VERIFIED phone number - If you've been using twitter and your mobile number is not in the account, you should include it before applying.
  6. A CONFIRMED email address - At the beginning, Twitter allows you to open an account with them using an email or phone number. However if you want to apply for the twitter verification service, you must have both, which are; CONFIRMED email address and VERIFIED phone number.
  7. Find Out Who Is My First Follower On Twitter
  8. A website - During the course of applying, twitter ensure you must submit at least two website links. A website enables twitter to know more about you and what you do.
  9. A birthday - Yes, a birthday. You should filled your birthday in your twitter account before submitting request on the twitter verification form.
  10. Tweets set as public - The 'tweet privacy settings' enables you to set your tweets to either public (for all people to see) OR to private (for only confirmed followers to see).
  11. 3 Pleasant Tips To Increase Awareness On Twitter
  12. Reason for being verified - There is a particular place in the form which said you should states the reason 'Why You Want To Verify Your Twitter Account'. Be ready to provide a solid and genuine reason.
  13. Your Impact - If the account you're trying to submit request for, represents a person, twitter would wants to understand their impact in the field.
Whew! And there goes the recommended things you should know before applying for your account to get verified. If you haven't apply and you're ready with the 10 things i just listed, then you can go fill the twitter verification form here to get started!
For those who might have been decline the verification badge, checkout the list again and see what you're missing out.

Here is also an Infographic below from Contactually about getting verified on twitter.

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  1. Great tips. Let me go and apply for my own verification (wink).

  2. Go! Go!! Go!!!
    I can't wait to see the verification badge on your twitter profile!

  3. How is the verification process going, Tunde? Thanks for the mention.

  4. Thanks Bola for commenting back again after i did notified you that i mistakenly delete your first comment. I appreciate:)
    I once submitted my form but i missed the No #3 thing in this post so i was declined AND Users who had once been declined on twitter verification service would have to apply only 30days after.


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