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In every blogger’s WishList is getting decent good amount of quality traffic flowing to his/her webblog. This is simply because when you’re getting quality traffic; your blog tends to enjoy wider exposure, more social and email subscribers , more sales if your blog do offers product, more voluntary clicks of PPC program like adsense which of course will leads to more revenue and lots more – the list is endless!
So whether you’re looking for means to get traffic to your blog for free, or you want to learn how to increase traffic, or have a new website with no traffic, this post would surely be of great deal help to you.
No matter whatever reasons why you choose establish a blog, driving traffic is one major aspect that you shouldn’t neglect. Though there are several ways to increase traffic to your blog in which you must be very aware of when doing so as some information on the web might leads you to perform tricky methods which Search Engines especially Google detest.
However on this post, i’ll be sharing the Proven and Legal Methods on How To Increase Your Blog’s Traffic.
How To Get and Increase Your Blog’s Traffic
1. Social Media: Does Your Blog have a fanpage? I mean a Social Networking Page where Your Readers can easily subscribe to. Example of NSB Social Pages are that of the facebook here and twitter social profile. With these social profiles, i can easily send new and previous interesting updates to NSB readers but if you had not gotten a Social Page for your blog yet, you can create one for absolutely free and once you’ve setup the social pages, let your readers know about them by installing the social media widget on your blog.
Now things doesn’t stop there!
Ensure you setup automatic updates when new post is published so your social subscribers can get to read about new updates. When you’re not creating a new post, you can share a snippet of a previous interesting post from your blog and include the link of the post using bufferapp. For instance, if you are to re-share this post in the nearest future, you can say;
Want To Find out 5 Proven Methods to Increase Your Blog’s Traffic For Free? Check here >> [Click To Tweet]
2. Blog’s Commenting: One of the most effective way to increase your site’s traffic is by visiting other people’s blog mostly related to your Niche and Leaving Meaningful Comment. You might want to say “I’ve did this before but doesn’t work”. Well, it must have been that you’re doing it in the wrong way like maybe leaving short unrelated comment.
Try to read the Post carefully and Focus on leaving a sincere and related comment rather than to just drop your link. Comments which includes your link and not relating to the post is sure not to get approved or to be deleted.
Leaving a sincere comment will make either the author or a reader to check more about you/your blog thus increasing your blog’s traffic. However do not overdo this as too much external links linking to your blog especially from a Non-Authority Blog is basically not good.
[Top 7 Great Blogging Resources You Shouldn’t Miss]
3. Guest Posting: Guest Posting simply means an act of publishing a Post on another blog. While the definition might sounds simple; Guest Posting is not just about posting some *gibberish word* or copying articles and expecting traffic to flow from the source since you’ve included your url in the bio on the Post. Your article must be of good Quality, Plagiarism-Free, and Related to the Niche of the Website; where Guest Posting is to be done before it got accepted by the website owner.
When you’re on a quest to guest post, my Golden advice for you is not to think of only building Links to your website but to Add Value to the Website where Guest Posting is to be done. A source even quoted “You should write a Post which will be much better than if you are to write on your blog”
By Delivering a Quality Post, Most Readers will be tempted to check out your blog and that’s sure going to Increase your Blog’s Traffic. There are high chances that some will even love to be your email and social subscribers.
[5 Do’s and Don’ts Of Writing Blog Post Format]
4. Forum Participation: When you register on a Popular Forum, do not forget to include your blog URL (if allowed) in your bio and participate in the aspect of that forum that deals with your niche more frequently. What i mean by participating is; Publishing Good Topics and Leaving ideas or Suggestion in other user’s Comment. Eventually people in the forum if finds your post/comment worthy would want to research about you thereby discovering your blog 😉
You can join OgbongePlanet if you’re looking for a forum target to webmaster and bloggers.
5. Using Hastag For Social Engagement: As mentioned in No #1 on Social Media, did you know you can gain extra traffic by using hashtag. Of course you can! hashtag works majorly for twitter and Googleplus and when doing this, you should avoid too much of hashtags.
It is also recommended you add Hashtag to the keyword that describe the topic of that your tweet.
So there you go!
The proven methods to increase your blog’s traffic.
You might also want to download a detailed guide here
Related searches; how to increase traffic to my blog, new website no traffic, how to get traffic to your website fast, how to get traffic to your website for free
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