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5 Reasons Why You Should Change Your Domain Name Now!

Its ain't a new thing when a blogger think of changing his/her domain name even after having been using the domain name for a long time. Although some bloggers and webmasters have manage to stuck to their domain name for years without thinking of changing it, or maybe they thought of changing it but just decides to dump the idea of doing so.   I guess by now, you might wonder that why would a blogger ever thought of changing his/her domain name ? Well, am going to list the reasons below on this post and additionally, why you should also do so too .   Incase you're not familiar with what it is, a DOMAIN NAME is simply the URL that a site can be accessed with, taking for instance, this site you are currently viewing can be accessed with its DOMAIN NAME via . Having now knew about what a domain name is, lets discuss about the reason as to why you might want to change your domain name. 5 Reasons Why You Should Change Your Domain Name Now! Na...

Your Blog Might Never Get More Social Subcribers If You Didn't Solve This.

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Social Media plays what can be undoubtedly refer to as *Major Role* when it comes to sharing of Information to readers. This explains the reason why bloggers build up an online social profiles for their blog so that contents after automatically shared from blog to social networks will be easily accesible and visible for readers on their social network platform.
But before the above mission can be accomplished (i.e bloggers sharing info and readers reading it), there must be Social Network Profiles for that blog ( it might be facebook, twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Pinterest, or Others ) and Subscribers ( these are the readers and audience that will be reading the post)


Whilst its easier to open up a social network profiles, getting subscribers might not be, or let me say ( it is not.) Though there are different factors that contribute to the acquisition of subscribers, i would cut-short and pull out one of the most important factor which is "The Visibilty of Social Networking Profiles". The word 'Visibility' according to my unofficial abstract dictionary ;) means "the ability to see things clearly".

To able to grab what i mean by visibilty, here is an example below;

"In one of my visits to a particular blog,
i enjoyed the content so much
that i immediately wanted to
subscribe to future posts
from the blog via social networks
but dissapointedly i couldn't 'locate' it.
I was like "What happens to my GPS?
Just as I was about giving up
on the search that i notice a tiny
text which i had been ignoring since my visit
to the website;
i then decided to take a closer look
and "Eureka, it was what am looking for!
The social profiles - facebook and twitter - "

Read: PageSpeed- What It is and How To Check That of Your Blog/Websites.
Actually the above experience wasn't real though, i just put myself into a reader's shoe and what their experiences might be about a blog with no Visible Social Profiles. Now Lets hack into another Reader's Mind too. Lol

"It was exactly what am Looking for,
I would love to see more of this posts
so i decides to hookup
with the blog's social profile.
Fortunately i found the
blog's facebook like button and click on it
but nothing happens except an annoying message saying
'Oops! This gadgets has been broken'

This is another Negative Issue which differs from the first one, that is the Social Profile button is "Inaccessible". The Initial one is Accessible but NOT Visible whilst the Latter one is Visible but NOT Accessible.
Here is the botton line, Your Blog Will Never Get Social Subscribers If Your Social Buttons Are NOT Visible and Accessible. So the real deal is whatever Social Profiles Gadget you're using on your blog, Make Sure it is "Visibile" and Accessibile.
You Might Like: Beautiful and "Adjustable" Social Media Profiles Widget For Your Website.
Do Kindly Share this Post with Others so they can know about this. Thanks for reading.

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  1. Thanks for this. will move my social icons to a more exposed place

  2. You're welcome damilare. do Keep coming back for more blogging tips.

  3. It's very easy to understand how necessary accessible Social media profile to leverage and grow your social subscribers and the growth of your sales.

    Bloggers or marketers that have social media profiles should set it appropriately and make it more visible and handier to people IF THEY WISH to have a huge number of subscribers.

    Social media platforms contributes a lot in marketing and sales. Small to large businesses that understand its purpose and help never take it lightly.

    This will prompt bloggers and marketers to take action, I must say. Thanks for sharing this short but interesting article.

  4. Social Media plays a Major Role for those who are into Internet Marketing (bloggers, companies, business owners and co.) This is why "Making Social Profiles accessible" should be put into great consideration when placing it on a blog for the sake of readers.

    Thanks for the great contribution Metz.

  5. Social Media presence is very important for any blogger or website owner. Though this many people connect with you.

    I like your post on "Get more subscriber on Social media". I also try the way that you mentioned in this post.

    Thanks for sharing this post.

  6. You're welcome @Luxmi. Thanks for appreciating this Post.

    If my guessing is right, It seems this your first visit to NSB, i'll hopefully be expecting more of your coming back ;)

  7. Hey Tunde,

    Great post and this happens quite often to me. This year I started reading blogs from my mobile phone and Google did announce that mobile friendly blogs will be a ranking factor.

    On my phone I came across quite a few blog posts that didn't have visible social sharing buttons. If I have the energy or remember, sometimes I would go to my desktop or laptop, get on their site, and find the buttons and then share them. Especially if the content is valuable. If it isn't, I would just leave a comment.

    But that's something to take into account. Bloggers should make sure that the social share buttons show up on mobile phones as well on their desktops.

    Thanks for the share Tunde! Have a great weekend!

  8. This is one of these many reasons why someone may not build their social following. Not having a clear way to follow your website on social media because you cannot find the button is a ridiculous way to loose followers. There are so many plug ins available to the public for free than can be used on your website. I am certainly not going to be one to put so much work into looking up your websites social media profiles, so it is best to just have them viewable. Great post.

  9. Hi Sherman, the social sharing buttons is also another thing to take into account apart from the Social buttons. Thats why i added the Sidebar floating share buttons to my blog too so Readers can easily share Contents. I appreciate your sincere contribution

    @Lawrence, of course not having a clear social buttons can be a turn off for readers to subscribe. There are many social follow plugins to use one of which is the Beautiful and Adjustable Social Follow Buttons if bloggers want to Increase the social followers.


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